Outsource Your Work Histories...
and relieve your company's burden of employment verification requests.

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Introducing DriverFACTS Work History Outsourcing Services

They Typical Process

How much time does your staff spend providing past and current driver work histories to other companies? Our clients have drastically reduced the time and effort that their staff must expend to deal with phone calls, faxes and email requests. By placing your employment data online at DriverFACTS, your staff can be freed up to work on your business needs rather than those of other companies!

DriverFACTS can display your employment data with DOT required Drug and Alcohol testing results and driver accident details for as little as $100 per month. Your data is searchable 24 hours a day by other companies.

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Let them contact us rather than your staff!
DriverFACTS is an administrative service that specializes in displaying data online via the internet through an easy to use interface. The administrative hours that your staff must spend on work history requests will be drastically reduced as prospective employers use the DriverFACTS website. Rather than contacting you, they will contact us, and your staff can move on to more productive tasks.


What DriverFACTS does for you... Benefit to you...
We handle all your phone, fax and mail requests. Allows you and your staff to focus on more important tasks.
We simplify and automate the verification process. Allows you to control internal costs.
We review all drug & alcohol request forms. Confirms that the proper forms and signatures are being received.
We become your single point of contact. You no longer have to handle individual requests, yet you will still know who is requesting your driver information.
We make your data available 24/7 via the internet. Data is available immediately and conveniently. (D&A information is released after we approve the release)
We accept your data in multiple formats. It is easy to get started and easy to update your data.
We give you a $2.75 discount on DriverFACTS reports. Saves you money immediately!

Already using another on-line service?
That's OK... you can continue using their service but you may not want to. With DriverFACTS, you have an option of entering your data manually or sending your entire file electronically. DriverFACTS' easy file transfer method eliminates the possibility of keystroke data entry errors. All you do is send your data on a regular basis. And, DriverFACTS is the only service of its kind with current and past employment data and the ability to assign multiple end-users to a single account. Prospective employers and credit grantors will benefit from the ability to verify drivers online.

Other benefits
When you become a DriverFACTS client, your company will be relieved of many administrative tasks and you will also receive at $2.75 credit for every currently employed data record you send us. These credits will allow you to do employment searches on other company's data for your own driver validations.

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Getting started
To learn more, contact us today at (888) 844-4730 (press option 3) about our innovative and cost effective services. Or click the button on the left to have one of our friendly representatives call you.

Once you learn about the DriverFACTS service, you'll understand how making your employment data available online can save you time and money.
We guarantee it!