Contact DriverFacts
Put Your Driver Data Online... Earn Access Credits!

Please fill out the following brief questionnaire. A representative will contact you within 1-2 days to answer any questions you may have regarding utilizing DriverFacts' online services to perform your company's driver verifications.  Thank you.

This section tells us about you and your company.
First Name: Last Name:
Company Name:
Phone Number: Email:
Do you currently use DriverFacts?  If so, what is your User Id?
This section tells us about the drivers and how you process verification requests from requesting employers. 
Enter the number of Current Drivers at your company: 
Enter the number of Past Drivers at your company:
Enter the number of phone verifications you provide per week:
Enter the number of fax verifications you provide per week:
Enter the number of mail verifications you provide per week:
How many employees handle the above 3 tasks?
What method do you use to respond to them? (select all that apply) mail fax phone email
If the requesting employer mails you a request without a stamped self-addressed envelope, what do you do? How do you handle the request?:
When you receive a verification phone call, what is the turn around time to fulfill it?
This section describes the employee data records and how they are stored.
Do you have Dates of Employment? How are they stored?
Do you have Accident Details? How are they stored?
Is there any other information you would like to tell us?