FAQ's - Automated Driver Verifications

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Thank you for your interest in automating your driver verifications using DriverFacts. If you have any questions and would like a representative to contact you, please call (888) 844-4730, press option 3, or email us using our contact request form to have a representative contact you.

This document is organized into the following sections:

I. General Overview

To begin this document, the following is an overall description of how the DriverFacts process works.  The remainder of the document will describe the details and requirements for setup.  Throughout this document, we may refer to DriverFacts as the “HOST” and your company and/or data as the “CLIENT”.

The information that DriverFacts keeps on the host computer is essentially the same information that is stored on your computer.  The main difference is that DriverFacts displays your data in easy and simple to understand views so the end-user can access the information themselves whenever they want 24 hours per day using the internet.  This is accomplished by using sophisticated programs and high-speed webservers, database servers, and internet hardware to read, analyze, and process the data hundreds of times per day. In addition, DriverFacts specialists constantly monitor performance and operation of the system. The general concept for processing your data is:

  1. Client maintains their in-house database as usual.
  2. Client prepares data in a file format that will be readable by the DriverFacts central processing servers.
  3. Client sends the data files to DriverFacts on a regular basis.  This can be accomplished via email or file transfer.
  4. The host servers receives the data files and validates them.  The validation process include rules and preferences that we have defined together.
  5. The host will update the display tables.  The display tables contain the information that the viewers will see.
  6. As the users access the display tables, the host computer will monitor usage and maintain statistics of all activity.
  7. This entire process repeats itself daily.

It is important that DriverFacts receives your data on a regular basis (preferably daily) to ensure that requestors are receiving current information.

II. Verification Requirements

The role of DriverFacts is to function as your administrative assistant - but at a fraction of the cost.  DriverFacts handles requests that you would normally get via telephone, fax, and mail, continually 24 hours per day.

 A typical verification scenario at your company includes:

DriverFacts automates the process by processing the requests regularly and displaying the information on the web using any browser.  Your browser must be capable of using 128-bit SSL security.

III. Data Requirements

The DriverFacts system requires a minimum data set from your company to be added into its database. This data includes (but not limited to):

 A file layout is available and will be provided to you.  Typically, the client exports data from their existing database into a file per our file specifications.  The DriverFacts data specialist will assist you in .  If there is other data that you would like to make available to the end-user, please let us know.

Data should be sent to DriverFacts on a regular basis (daily, weekly) preferably via FTP or email in the specified format.  Also, only changed records should be transmitted if possible because this greatly reduces the time needed for file transfers and for data processing.

IV. Discrepancy Maintenance

It is common that your data set will have discrepancies or conflicting information.  Due to the hundreds of programs on the market, customizations, or data entry errors, it is very unlikely that your data set will be perfectly “clean”.  Therefore, when an end-user has an issue with the data, we need to resolve it quickly.   When DriverFacts receives a discrepancy through the online form, the message will be forwarded to you for correction or clarification.  You may either update your internal database and transmit the file changes on your next run.  Or, use the DriverFacts discrepancy maintenance screen to make the changes.  The discrepancy file is unique to your company, keyed by SSN, and it is an auxiliary data file that the program retrieves from (if there is an entry) and displays the data to the end-user.  The discrepancy maintenance screen will allow you to add, delete, or edit records for any employee.


V. Adding report credits to your account

Report credits will be to added your account when:

VI. Pricing & Billing

Monthly Service fee

Database Setup fee

The monthly database fee above is for a 12-month period.  During the first 12-month period, DriverFacts will monitor the activity of searches performed on your employee database and will send you a monthly analysis report. 

DriverFacts also offers on-site integration services to help you automate and setup you company database.

* Setup fee assumes that you can provide your data in a compatible format for DriverFacts' system. 

Mail processing fee (optional)

DriverFacts will assist you in processing your verification requests sent to you via mail.  Simply send your mail to DriverFacts on a weekly basis and we will respond to the end requestor by fax or by mail. 

This option is available to you as a transition process to help educate the requestors to use the DriverFacts fax or internet system.  All correspondence to the user is done in a timely and professional manner.

VII. What DriverFacts will provide

VIII. Client Responsibilities

 Once your company has agreed to use DriverFacts, a detailed Terms & Conditions Agreement will be sent to you.

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Copyright © DriverFacts. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 29, 2007.