Pro Transportation & Pro Transportation Logistics
Pro Transportation Website



"Placing our data online with DriverFACTS has allowed us to manage our verification requests -- that were once cumbersome and time consuming -- in just minutes per day."

Jim White
Safety Dept Mgr.
Pro Transportation


Trucking, Transportation

DriverFACTS Products Used

  • DriverFACTS Employment Data Hosting
  • DriverFACTS Missing Data Notifications
  • DriverFACTS Recruiting Tools
  • DriverFACTS Online Searches
  • DriverFACTS Driver Credits
  • DriverFACTS Rebuttal System

Company Overview

Headquartered in Little Rock, Arkansas, Pro Transportation stands behind the belief that continuous support and ongoing interaction with their customers has enabled them to become one of the foremost leaders in the third party transportation industry. By providing 98% on time delivery with a force of over 50 owner operators and 400 carrier partners; they intend to solve your freight problems.

The Challenge

Record keeping and continual employment verification requests were eating up the safety departments staff hours and efficiency.

"We were manually processing all verifications by phone and fax", says Jim White, Pro Transportation's Safety Manager. "Searching our in-house computer data and paper records was slow, there was no easy look-up for social security numbers, driver codes were sometimes a guessing game due to similar last names and all required information for a verification was not stored in one location -- requiring multiple searches within our system."

Pro Transportation needed an efficient and easy to maintain method of keeping records and handling requests. Some of their records were in their computer system, but their accident history records were only in paper form.

DriverFACTS' Solution

  • Performed Data Transfer - DriverFACTS provided a simple way to transfer the driver data which Pro Transportation was keeping on their in-house computer system into our database. Once the data was transferred it could be reviewed and verified by Pro Transportation before it was put online.
  • Non Computerized Data Solution - DriverFACTS created a new notification report so that Pro transportation would be emailed regarding requests on any drivers whose accident history records were still in paper format and not yet online. Pro Transportation only has to enter paper records on drivers which were actually requested - saving them the time and trouble of having to hand enter all of their paper records!
  • Online Verifications Operational - Within a few weeks Pro Transportation's driver records were online at DriverFACTS. They were no longer having to handle requests in-house by phone and fax! DriverFACTS provided them a link page to place on their website so that all future employment verifications would be handled through DriverFACTS.
  • Technical Support - DriverFACTS continues to provide client support, answering questions on the use of the Client Hosting System and taking feedback and suggestions to make Pro Transportation's online system easy to use and meeting their needs.

    Jim White summarized his appreciation of the new efficiency that DriverFACTS has brought to Pro Transportation by saying: "What was once a four to five hour per day task of searching our files, has been cut to less than one hour, which includes regular updating of our DriverFACTS database!"

Other Options - Maintain data online or setup regular updates

Pro Transportation chose to move all their records over to DriverFACTS and maintain them online, replacing their old in house filing system. Jim White was glad to move all his data over to DriverFACTS and maintain it online because he felt that the DriverFACTS client management system is much easier to use that the in-house system they were using. "Learning the DriverFACTS system was one of the easiest programs I have ever worked with. It is virtually self explanatory. When I trained my first employee, she felt totally confident after the first day."

Some companies prefer to keep their existing in-house system as the master file system and send DriverFACTS their exported data updates on a regular basis. Either option is available to companies who want to put their data online.

Click here to learn how your company could benefit by using to handle your employment verifications

  Read another Testimony about DriverFACTS by Magnum Express, inc.