Magnum Express, Inc.
Why they made the switch to DriverFACTS
Pro Transportation Website


"I am totally satisfied with the experience I have had with DriverFACTS, It is everything they told me it would be and I learn more about it each time I use it. DriverFACTS saves me time and time is money...

The only regret I have: I wish I had known about DriverFACTS five years ago. I would have saved myself a lot of time and headaches!"

Bob Smith

Director Risk Management

Magnum Express, inc.


Trucking, Transportation

DriverFACTS Products Used

  • DriverFACTS Employment Data Hosting
  • DriverFACTS Request Reporting Tools
  • DriverFACTS Recruiting Tools
  • DriverFACTS Online Searches
  • DriverFACTS Driver Credits
  • DriverFACTS Rebuttal System

Company Overview

A full service transportation solution provider, Magnum provides answers to their clients' unique logistical challenges and delivery solutions to meet their strategic goals. Magnum provides their clients with customized, affordable, functional and value-added logistical and asset-based services. Visit us at to see why we excel at helping manufacturers and distributors identify and eliminate obstacles to an efficient and cost-effective supply chain.

The Challenge

Magnum was handling employment verification requests manually as many companies do. The various components of each drivers' record were stored differently and in different locations which made the process very inefficient.

"Prior to DriverFACTS, I was manually processing all past driver verifications. This was time consuming and not a very good process.", says Bob Smith, the Director Risk Management at Magnum.

"Our driver data was stored several places, driver qualification files, drug and alcohol files, and accident files. Some of the driver data was stored in the computer, using the dispatch program. I would receive multiple requests from different motor carriers on the same driver over several days. This would require looking up all the data on the driver numerous times."

DriverFACTS' Solution

  • Assisted with Data Transfer - DriverFACTS provided Magnum with technical assistance in getting their data formatted, making the process of updating simple. "I have never in my 30 years in the transportation industry experienced such a seamless transition to a new system. My IT person and DriverFACTS made the transfer of data very easy and it took very little time. DriverFACTS did an outstanding job and the set up did not involve a great amount of time."
  • Online Verifications Operational - Within a couple of weeks Magnum's driver records were online on DriverFACTS. They were no longer having to handle requests in-house by phone or fax!
  • Solutions for the Recruiting Department - With their data online at DriverFACTS, the Magnum recruiting department had new tools at their fingertips, and better ways to get more out of their own information! "There are many features that are very helpful. The morning report informs me if anyone is checking out a current driver. This allows me to talk to the driver and try to save him/her from leaving the company. The ability to look at the good drivers, the ones you want back, and see if they have found a happy home is very valuable. If they are still hopping around, you can contact them and maybe they will come back home."
  • Keeping data up to date is easy - DriverFACTS' online management system allows instant updating of driver information such as accident and drug testing results. "I like being able to put accident information on my current drivers, so if they terminate I do not have a lot of extra time involved in updating their file."
  • Client Support - DriverFACTS Client support is always there to answer your questions and help you utilize all the powerful tools built into the DriverFACTS management system, "From my first contact with the senior account manager at DriverFACTS, it has been a very enjoyable experience. She explained the DriverFACTS system to me and walked me through an online demonstration. She is a wonderful person to deal with, both knowledgeable and understanding. She is always there to answer any questions or solve any small problems."

    "It is hard to write a brief statement on my satisfaction with DriverFACTS. I am totally satisfied with the experience I have had with DriverFACTS, It is everything they told me it would be and I learn more about it each time I use it."

    "DriverFACTS saves me time and time is money. No more past driver verifications, no more filing the responses, and no more faxing replies; all of this has been eliminated. It is simple, easy and fast to maintain the data online. The only regret I have: I wish I had known about DriverFACTS five years ago. I would have saved myself a lot of time and headaches. "

Click here to learn how your company could benefit by using to handle your employment verifications

  Read another Testimony about DriverFACTS by TransAm Trucking