FAQ's - Pre-paid Bulk Option

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What is a Pre-paid report?
A Pre-paid report is simply a report that has been purchased prior to actually using it.   Pre-paid reports come in bulks of 10, 25, 50, 100, or larger amounts.   Combo, Basic Employment, Drug & Alcohol, and Current Employment reports are available in bulk and you can have different prepaid bulk types on file.

What are the benefits of purchasing pre-paid bulk reports?
By purchasing bulk reports, you save time by not having the inconvenience of entering your credit card every time you need a search.   Pre-paid reports are available to you when you need them.  You also save money because the report packs cost less per report than purchasing them individually. The 50 and 100 packs offer you the biggest savings.

How do you keep track of my Pre-paid reports?
The system keeps track of all bulk reports by creating an “inventory” for each master user and any associated users in the master user's group.  The inventory record contains information such as Group Id, User Id, Report Type, Quantity Purchased, Quantity Available, and Expiration Dates.  The system keep a running balance of your available reports.  Each time you or one of your group users enters their User Id, the system checks your inventory for availability.  If you have available reports, you get a “green light” and you proceed to the display screens bypassing all the payment screens.  If you don’t have available reports (because you have either used them all up or because you never had them to begin with), the system will give you message and direct you to the payment screen.

What if I run out and need more bulk reports?
If you run out, click on the "Add Prepaid Reports button in your "My Account" control panel. This will direct you to a selection screen where you may purchase more prepaid bulk reports.  Any person with a User ID (whether they are the master user or a user in a multi-user account) may purchase bulk reports. This process will refill the Group Id account with which the User Id is associated. All users in the group may use the prepaid bulk reports that are associated with the Group ID.  See the Payment Options screen for a detailed description of payment options.

Can anyone in my group refill the account with more reports?
Yes.  The reports added will be available to everyone in the group.

How do I setup automatic replenishment of reports?
If you are the master user or the only user of an account, you can set the automatic replenishment feature to ensure that you always have reports available. The Automatic Replenishment feature allows you to specify how many reports to “refill” your account with and at what level to do so.  The minimum level is 5 reports.  Once you specify automatic replenishment, your account will be “re-filled” with the number of reports you specify (10, 25, 50,100 or more).  We will need to receive a signed form authorizing DriverFacts to automatically charge a credit card which will be maintained on file.

How do I replenish my account with more reports? I already have an account.
To replenish your account online, follow these steps.  1) Login with your User Id; 2) Choose the "Add Prepaid Reports"  button in the "Account Controls" area of your "May Account" page; 3) Choose the Prepaid Bulk Packs you would like to purchase on the next screen and press the "proceed to checkout" button; 4) Enter your credit card information and press the "I Accept" button. (or select the "pay by check" option and follow instructions provided on the screen).

After pressing "I Accept", your credit card will be processed and your inventory of available reports will be updated. A paid invoice will be displayed on the next screen that you can print as a receipt for your purchase (use the print button on the page.)  Then press the "back to my account" button to see your updated report quantities.

For more information on paying by check, credit card, and money orders, please see the Payment Options screen located in the FAQ's.

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Revised: September 11, 2002 .