TransAm Trucking
Pro Transportation Website


"You can do virtually everything by computer without any human contact, but if you do, you will miss out on what makes DriverFACTS standout, their top-notch crew who are friendly and eager to help you with your problem. They are what makes DriverFACTS unique!"

David Cole
Safety and Compliance Mgr.
TransAm Trucking


Trucking, Transportation

DriverFACTS Products Used

  • DriverFACTS Employment Data Hosting
  • DriverFACTS Recruiting Tools
  • DriverFACTS Online Searches
  • DriverFACTS Driver Credits
  • DriverFACTS Rebuttal System

Company Overview

TransAm Trucking, based in Kansas, has more than 1000 tractors and over 2000 trailers. With an  emphasis on quality and steady controlled growth, TransAm Trucking has become highly respected in the transportation industry as one of the top carriers in the country today. 

The Challenge

TransAm was handling their employment verification requests manually as many companies do, and the workload was very demanding.

"We set up a mail merge to expedite the process, but it still took manual labor to find the information, input the information, fax the information, and then document who requested the information.", says David Cole, the Safety and Compliance Manager at TransAm.

"We use a software program created for the AS400 computer system to store the data. It was quite a burden to retrieve the required data and enter the data into a mail merge format. Each request had to be manually entered into a Microsoft Word mail merge format, then either faxed or mailed... it would take on average 15 to 20 hours a week just to process all the verification inquiries."

DriverFACTS' Solution

  • Assisted with Data Transfer - DriverFACTS provided TransAm with technical assistance in getting their data formatted, making the process of updating simple. "...Once we figured out how the data needed to be setup the transition was smooth sailing.... We are able to use Microsoft Access to accept all our different formats... Now with a few keystrokes all the data is available to DriverFACTS."
  • Online Verifications Operational - Within a few weeks TransAm's driver records were online on DriverFACTS. They were no longer having to handle requests in-house by phone or fax! "The (DriverFACTS) system is fully automated, with little or no maintenance required. If an issue arises, either the website or an email alerts us to the problem. All verification requests are documented to satisfy DOT requirements and are available from the website to see who has requested the information."
  • Solutions for the Recruiting Department - With their data online at DriverFACTS, the TransAm recruiting department had new tools at their fingertips, and better ways to get more out of their own information! "The daily morning report helps our staff stay on top of retention."
  • Client Support - DriverFACTS continues to provide ongoing customer and technical support, and encourages enhancement requests... whatever it takes to make the system easier to use and meet their needs. David Cole explains, "Since we as company have started using DriverFACTS as our company's outsource for answering DOT required employment verification, required documentation and the new rebuttal requirements, it has been a breeze.

    Every week with a few key strokes and an email my job is done. Usually by the next day DriverFACTS has the new information available online. If there is any exception, I can go on the website address the problem. If it is an issue that cannot resolve by the computer, one phone call or email will resolve the problem. You can virtually do everything by computer without any human contact, but if you do, you will miss out on what makes DriverFACTS stand out, the top-notch crew who are friendly and eager to help you with your problem. They are what makes DriverFACTS unique!"

Click here to learn how your company could benefit by using to handle your employment verifications

  Read another Testimony about DriverFACTS by Pro Transportation