FAQ's - Payment Options

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Can I pay by check or money order?
Yes.  DriverFacts accepts checks, money orders, and credit cards - VISA, MasterCard, AMEX.

ATM CARDHOLDERS - You may be able to use your ATM card as well.  Most ATM cards also function as a credit card.  If your ATM card has the VISA or MasterCard logo, it will probably work.


Can I use my ATM card?
You may be able to use your ATM card as well.  Most ATM cards also function as a credit card.  If your ATM card has the VISA or MasterCard logo, it will probably work.


Payment instructions - Pre-paid Bulk reports and Multi-user Accounts

Payment by Credit card:
a) Purchase directly on-line or fax the completed Bulk Report Order form to (714) 997-1216.
b) If you have a credit card on file, send an email to billing@DriverFacts.com to "use the credit card on file".

Payment by Check:
a) Complete the Bulk Combo Report Order & Replenishment form.
b) Fax a copy of the form to (714) 997-1216
c) Fax a copy of the signed check to (714) 997-1216
d) Mail check and form(s) to:

1261 N. Lakeview Ste J526
Anaheim, CA 92807

If you are paying by check, we will activate your account after we receive a faxed copy of your check and the order form(s). If you are paying by credit card, we will activate your account after we receive a faxed copy of your order form(s).


Payment instructions - Single report mail in requests
If you would like to mail in your employment verification requests, you must use a Non-Internet Request Form and follow the instructions below:

Payment by Credit card:
a) Fill-in the Non-Internet Request Form completely, Steps 1-4
b) Mail the form to:

1261 N. Lakeview Ste J526
Anaheim, CA 92807


Payment by Check or Money Order:
a) Fill-in the Non-Internet Request Form completely, Steps 1-3
b) Make the check or money order payable to: DriverFacts
c) The total amount of the check should be the price of the report plus $4.00.

Example: 1 Combo Report = $11.95
         Manual Request fee = $4.00
                                Total $15.95

d) Mail check, Non-Internet Request Form,  and stamped self-addressed envelope to:

1261 N. Lakeview Ste J526
Anaheim, CA 92807

*** If you need Drug and Alcohol Testing results ***

You must include a valid Drug & Alcohol release form. If you do not have one, you can get one at
  www.DriverFacts.com /forms/da_release.pdf.   Failure to send in the proper release will result in additional delays.


Where do I get a Non-Internet Request Form?
It is available in PDF format.  You can print it from the Forms page www.DriverFacts.com/forms/NIForm.pdf.


Mailing address
1261 N. Lakeview Ste J526
Anaheim, CA 92807


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Revised: July 26, 2024 .