FAQ's - Multi-User Management Account

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What are the benefits of the Multi-User Management Account?
There are several benefits to setting up a Multi-user Account. First, it allows your group to share reports from the report packs you have purchased.  By having a Multi-user account and utilizing Pre-paid reports you can create a “pool” of reports/searches that your group can request from.  The system keeps track of user requests and SSN’s requested.  Secondly, you get access to usage information related to your group and their requests.

If I’ve viewed the employment report, can someone else in my group view it as well?
Yes, as long as you have added other users to your master account in the "User Maintenance" area of your "My Account" page 9only Master Users can add or remove users in the group.  This feature allows any user in your group to view the same information (report) without reducing your total report count.  This way, different users in your group will have the freedom of viewing the same information for a SSN without it “costing” another search fee.

How does the system know if I belong to a group?
To determine if your account is a part of a group, click on the "User Maintenance" button on your "My Account" page. The resulting control panel will display the name of the Master User for your group at the top (header) of the page. If you are the master user for your account group, you will also see your own account (and any other users in your group- if there are any) listed in the box to the left. If you are a user under another Master User's group, you will see only your account and the Master User's account listed in the box. Only the Master User can create user account IDs for those who will belong to the group. This gives all users in the group access to the shared reports.

Who gets access to the shared reports?
Only users that are on the shared user list will have access to the shared reports.

What if I can’t access the available reports but I know we have a group account?
There may be several reasons you can’t access the shared reports: a) you might be using the wrong User Id; b) your User ID might not be one of the Multi-users accounts in the group list (it may be it's own separate master user account); c) you might be out of available reports.  If you are unsure, please contact DriverFacts.

If I belong to a Multi-User Account, can I request a single credit card report?
Yes.  This would be treated as a separate transaction and will require you to use the credit card screen.  Any reports that you get will not affect your available reports (if any) from your group account.

How do I keep my Multi-user account continuously filled and available with reports?
Any user in a Multi-user group can refill the prepaid bulk reports for the entire group through the "Add Prepaid Reports" feature in the "My Account" control panel. In addition to this, Master Users have the option to enable the "Automatic Replenish" feature which will automatically refill the group's account with a 10, 25, 50, 100 or more prepaid bulk packs when the group's prepaid account levels fall below a specified level.

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Revised: August 20, 2002 .